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Grand Island Lions Board Meeting Minutes 2015

Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting Minutes
January 28, 2015 Buffalo Launch Club
Attendance: Donna Lavallee, Dick Crawford, Al Ackerman, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Brooks Rimes, Anne Fahning, Mike Steinagel

Call to Order:  Lion President Lavallee called the meeting to order at 8:50 pm.

Treasurer’s report: Lion Crawford reported $7,479.76 in our Welfare Fund and $774.00 in our General Fund with all our dues paid.

Fundraising:  Lion President Lavallee questioned whether we should have another fundraiser due to the loss of the Christmas Tree sales.  We have saved some money because we haven’t had too many speakers this year.  We also did well during White Cane Day and our Bon Ton coupon sales.  But there is no guarantee of this income.  Lion Crawford suggested a pancake breakfast at the Knights of Columbus.  The idea is that there is no place on the Island that is open for breakfast other than McMahon’s.  Lion Steinagel reported his experience with such a fundraiser and a fundraiser selling nuts.  Delta Sonic has a fundraiser with $5.00 coupons that we would buy at $0.50 each.  We would need to buy 250 coupons at $125.00.  Lion Crawford suggested that the high school students could sell them for us with a cut given to them.  Lion Witkowski reported that there is a “use by” date of 60 days afterwards the value drops to $2.00.  Lion Crawford suggested we contact Dr. Huggs with the same proposition although they may not do it for fifty cents but may agree to a much farther expiration date, say, up to a year.  Lion Fahning suggested we sell the cheaper tickets.  Lion Witkowski will look into discussions with Dr. Huggs.  The garage sale idea will also be explored possibly with sales of tables for private individuals and a give-away of the Delta Sonic or Dr. Huggs coupons to the first 25 people.  The garage sale would be held at the Nike Base.  We would need tables.  Lion Crawford reported that the Knights will not loan out their tables.

Eyeglass collection boxes:  Lion President Lavallee has ordered them.  Lion Ruocco will place one in his office.  Lion Witkowski will deliver one to Elderwood.

Loan closet: Lion Crawford reported we need wheelchairs and bath chairs with arms.

Lion S.E.E. request:  Lion Crawford felt comfortable with our Welfare balance and motioned that we make the requested donation of $500.00 seconded by Lion Witkowski.  Lion Witkowski gave a brief description of the 501c3 program.  Motion was unanimously passed.

Motion to adjourn by Lion Fahning.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski



Grand Island Lions Club  Regular and Board Meeting Minutes
February 25, 2015 Buffalo Launch Club

Attendance: Dick Crawford, Al Ackerman, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Anne Fahning, Paul Krupa, Paul Bassette, Dan Morabito.  Guests: Erie County Sheriff Joseph G. Chudoba and Riverside Lions Club member Bob Goulding.

Call to Order:  Lion 1st VP Rusert called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Rusert.

Patriotic song was led by Lion Morabito.

Invocation made by Lion Bassette.

Introduction of guests by Lion Rusert.


Presentation: Officer Chudoba grew up in an environment of domestic violence.  He was able to break free of it and now gives back helping people who are suffering from it.  Despite the numbers indicating 95% of men being the instigators, they are inaccurate.  There are a lot of men who now come to him for help.  Officer Chudoba cited the two main causal reasons: power and control.  His main goal is to talk to victims, both men and women, and to help them by empowering them to be in control of their own destiny.  In the last year, the statistics for Grand Island “have gone through the roof” only because he has been keeping track of the incidents.  Even those who are responsible for the violence have sought him out for help.  Victim’s biggest complaint is that they feel alone and powerless.  Violence can be triggered by economic and various social problems caused by alcohol and drugs.  Victims don’t leave the hostile environment because of financial reasons.  Two shelter locations for those escaping from domestic violence are Cornerstone Manor, Haven House, and another in Hamburg.  Officer Chudoba is also a resource for victims of bullying and also for veterans who are need in help not only for help with domestic violence but with any issues veterans may have.  An informative brochure was given to each attendee.

Contact information:
Domestic Violence Victim Advocate Joseph G. Chudoba
773-9600, ext. 654 or 341-0544
email: joseph.chudoba@erie.gov

Walk in times at Grand Island Town Hall
Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Tuesdays 8:30 am – noon

In an emergency
Dial 911 from landline phones
Dial 773-7508 from cell phones

24-hour domestic violence hotline
884-6000 (for shelter)

Lion Bill Wind update:  Lion Rusert reported he is doing well.

Lion Crawford commented that the club will make a donation to a special veteran “re-boot camp” that our speaker is involved with.  Lion Crawford will obtain the information.

Lion Witkowski made a special presentation to Lion Morabito for his exemplary service and dedication during Lion Witkowski’s term as club president.

Committee reports:

Spaghetti Dinner:  Lion Crawford stated that it will be held at the high school cafeteria. He is in process of making arrangements with Ms. Ann Rich, Food Services Director.  The charge will be $200 as opposed to the $1000 requested by Byblos-Niagara.  The date was decided at a previous meeting for April 27.  Lion Fahning suggested that we raise the cost to $8.00 for adults.  Lion Crawford will make arrangements to have the signs changed to reflect the new venue as recommended by Lion Fahning.  It was suggested that we have the school kids assist in setting up the tables since school will be in session.  Lion Witkowski requested that we provide an area for our fund beneficiaries to set up as they did last year.  Lion Crawford stated there is plenty room for them.

Buffalo News Kid’s Day:  Lion Fahning reported that the following day, April 28, volunteers will be needed at the corner of Staley and Stony Point and at the roundabout.  Lion Morabito suggested that just two would be needed at the Staley/Stony Point intersection.  We will meet at the Knights of Columbus at 5:30 am – 5:45 am.  Lion Fahning will get an article into the club newsletter to “mark the date.”

Eye screening:  Lion Rusert announced that the Lions S.E.E. program will be on the island on March 16th and 17th.  The screenings will be held at the Grand Island Cooperative Nursery School and Trinity United Methodist.  Town of Niagara Lions member and Grand Island resident Paul Peters will bring the camera.  Lion Witkowski will be assisting on the 16th.  A volunteer is needed on the 17th.

Doctor Andy’s Day for Kids:  Lion Crawford reported that a $250.00 donation was made to the organization that Lion Brooks Rimes and Lion Witkowski attended.

Update on Edith Fischer: Lion Bassette reported that she has received her eyeglasses from Buffalo’s Best Opticians.  Medicaid has paid for both her exam and eyeglasses with no liability from our club.   Lion Witkowski to all attendees that a form is available for anyone who needs financial assistance that they may come across.  Lion Bassette reported that Ms. Fischer gave him a $50.00 gift certificate.  It is available to any club member as long as it is used before April 30.

Peace Poster Contest:  Lion Bassette asked for club approval to purchase the contest materials for $11.95.  Lion Bassette motioned; Lion Fahning seconded.  Passed.

Cabinet meeting:  Lion Witkowski reported that it will be held on March 7 at the Immanuel Lutheran Church in Tonawanda.  A key component of the CM will be a discussion about the sales tax liability issue hosted by PDG Dave Gehring, retired IRS tax auditor.  Lion Witkowski reported on the history of how this issue came about and report to the club.

One Island, One team seminar:  Lion Bassette reported on a February 10 panel discussion at Grand Island Town Hall about a study performed with over 1200 children in 6th to 12th grade.  Lion Crawford commented about traditionally low turnouts and the typical blasé attitude of parents and children with kids getting their drugs from the parents.  Officer Chudoba also offered his insights into the drug problem.  He has partnered with John Jackson who works for First Time, Last Time that deals with children who get involved with drugs.  His comment included that there is help out there; all one needs to do is reach out.  He referenced a Lancaster location called Plymouth Crossroads House in Lancaster.  Lion Bassette also presented a form for all members who are considering joining a committee as a coalition member.

Motion to adjourn by Lion Witkowski, second by Lion Krupa.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 8:43 pm.

NOTE: There will be no meeting on March 11th.  Next meeting will be held at the Buffalo Launch Club on March 25th.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski

 Grand Island Lions Club Regular and Board  Meeting
Minutes  March 25, 2015 Buffalo Launch Club
Attendance: Donna Lavallee, Brooks Rimes, Dick Crawford, Al Ackerman, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Shelia Ferrentino, Paul Krupa.  Guests: Kelly McGarvey (with Lion Shelia) and Riverside Lions Club member Bob Goulding.

Call to Order:  Lion President Lavallee called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by President Lavallee.
Patriotic song was led by Lion Witkowski.
Minute of silence for the passing of Lion Tom DeCarlo.
Invocation made by Lion Crawford.
Introduction of guests by Lions Lavallee and Ferrentino.

Release of the Tail Twister Lion Ruocco.

50/50 Draw by Lion Crawford for $50.00.  Lions Payan, Gerry Dubiel, Kaiser, Butler, Wile, Witkowski sticks were pulled.  Lion Witkowski drew the seven of diamonds.


Next meeting will be at Merritton Lions on April 8th.  We will carpool at 5:30 pm meeting at Mighty Taco.  President Lavallee will confirm.

Committee reports:

Grand Island Cooperative Nursery School eye screening was successful with pictures posted on club’s Facebook page.

Spaghetti dinner: Chair Crawford said we are all set for the high school.  Staff will be helping us out in the new venue.  Lion Crawford has been involved with three dinners there, so we’ll be fine.  Lion Anne Fahning will be in charge of the basket raffle.  Two serving stations will be available.  Lions needed to help Lions Dan Morabito and Ackerman.  The school is charging us $200.00 as opposed to Byblos-Niagara asking for $1,000.00.  No wine or beer is allowed in the school.  Lion Crawford had proposals for 25 and 50 signs.  He will email the board with the motion for approval.  He is getting them at cost.  We will have the old signs changed to reflect our new venue.  Cost will be $8 for adults and $5 for children.  Tickets will be available at the end of the week.

Loan closet inventory is getting low especially walkers with seats.


 Letter from “Rebecca” in which she thanked us for the medical supplies she received.

 Thank you note received from Excalibur Leisure Skills Center for our $500.00 donation.

Nomination of 2015-2016 slate of officers: President Lavallee seeking input from members if they want to stay in positions.  We may have to start repeating former presidents to fill positions.  Lion Henry Lobl has shown interest in being president.  We will need to file the form on or before April 15th.  Lion Witkowski stated that we can leave the third vice president position open.  President Lavallee suggested we start over with our current members.  Lion Goulding suggested we consider having two-year terms for future presidents.  Lion Crawford will remain as treasurer.  Lion Krupa will serve as a two-year director.  Lion Fred volunteered to serve as Lion Tamer due to Lion Ackerman’s move off island.

Convention Delegate Form:  Lion Witkowski stated that President Lavallee needs to sign the form as club president.  Lion Witkowski will contact the state office to see who can sign for Corresponding Secretary Annette Boies-Lobl in her absence.  Lion Crawford was informed of a credit with the International and has assured that we are currently paid with the state and the district.

Cabinet meeting report: Lion Witkowski reported on the tax issue.  We do not need to pay state tax now that we are in the school.  We are limited to two such meals a year; anything more and we need to file and collect sales tax.  He reported the formation of the Canisius College Campus Lions Club with 22 members who are already performing service projects.  The district’s Journey For Sight is scheduled for the fall with Erie County Lions Clubs hosting it.  Lion Witkowski reported that he will no longer be zone chair having served since 2009.  Pendleton Lion Jeff Jarvis will be the new chair.  Lion Witkowski reported that Dr. Andrew Olewnik of UB’s engineering school is looking for projects for his students.  They could be from any discipline and will be evaluated for merit and feasibility.  The district’s annual Leadership Training will be available on May 14th at St. John Vianney School in Orchard Park.  The cost is $20.00 a club.  Mother’s Day food drive, a Lions statewide event, is being requested by the Council of Governors to be performed by each club.  It will be held the week before Mother’s Day.  Lion Witkowski has volunteered to find out the Island’s needs then contact the Island’s food vendors for their support. Collections could be made anywhere.  Upon suggestion on Lion Crawford, Lion Witkowski made a motion with Lion Crawford seconding.  Passed unanimously.

Delta Sonic: President Lavallee restated the fundraiser presented at the January meeting.  The club would pay $125.00 for 250 coupons with a face value of $5.00 off at all Delta Sonic car washes.  It would be up to us to set the price for each coupon.  There is an issue with a time limit on the coupons that purchases must be made within 60 days.  They will be sold at the spaghetti dinner.  Lion Witkowski will obtain them.
Scholarship Committee: President Lavallee reported that Chair Paul Bassette is looking for assistance to select scholars.

Melvin Jones Award: Chair Paul Bassette is requesting suggestions and recommendations from all club members for a recipient from the Grand Island community.  Based upon the benefactor’s wishes, three Island community members would receive an award over a three-year period.  A Grand Island Lion would receive an award every fourth year.  Lion Crawford stated that, beside that, the club has the funds to nominate a Lion on its’ own.

Eyeglass boxes:  President Lavallee distributed boxes to members who will place them in places they selected.  Lion Goulding submitted International brochures to be used at the Town Hall eyeglass collection location.

Alan Geldin: President Lavallee reported Rotarian Geldin is requesting student nominations for Rotary Club scholarships based upon service.

Forever Young:  Lion Goulding submitted an article that displayed a well-written article about Lions.  Lion Brooks suggested that it should be posted at our spaghetti dinner.

Lions S.E.E. program: President Lavallee reported that Lions Bassette and Witkowski assisted Town of Niagara Lion Paul Peters in screening children over a two day period.  Photos were posted on the club’s Facebook page.  She has contact Denise Dunbar at Sidway to do screenings of the preschoolers there.  President Lavallee supplied information to Cindy Sharp who is in charge of overseeing the nurses in the school system.  St. Stephen’s School has not responded back.  Lion Ferrentino recalled we did screenings at a health fair that was held at the high school.  She also recalled a health fair that we hosted.

Lion Goulding presented a stuffed Grand Island mosquito that one of his club members encountered in their travels across Grand Island last year after being “besieged” by a swarm of mosquitos.  After catching one, the member thought it would be nice to seek a taxidermist and present it our club.  He also passed around a flashing emblem that he wore when he volunteered at DeGraff Hospital to generate interest in Lions.

Motion to adjourn by Lion Rimes, second by Lion Ackerman.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 8:54 pm.

Respectfully submitted,?
Lion Tom Witkowski

Grand Island Lions Club Regular and Board Meeting Minutes
April 22, 2015 Buffalo Launch Club
Attendance: Donna Lavallee, Dick Crawford, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Paul Krupa, Bill Wind, Henry Lobl and Annette Boies-Lobl, Anne Fahning, Dave Chervinsky.  Guest: Lion Candidate Kelly McGarvey.

Call to Order:  Lion President Lavallee called the meeting to order at 7:13 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Wind.
Patriotic song was led by Lion Crawford.
Invocation made by Lion Boies-Lobl.

Lion Wind was welcomed back by President Lavallee.

Introduction of Candidate McGarvey by Lion Fahning.

Updates on the health of spouses Lions Dan Morabito and Earl DeGlopper were discussed.

Spaghetti dinner: various discussions regarding lawn signs, setup, food prep, desserts, basket raffles, unloading vehicles, food prep, accessibility, volunteers were noted.  A $200.00 donation was made to the high school.

50/50 Draw by Lion Crawford for $51.00.  Lions Diane Dubiel, Gary Tucker, Eduardo Payan, Earl DeGlopper, Tom Butler, Dave Chervinsky, Witkowski sticks were pulled.  Lion Witkowski drew the four of hearts.

Delta Sonic fundraiser: Lion Witkowski was able to get 200 $5 off coupons from Delta Sonic with the club’s name on it for sale at the spaghetti dinner.  The purchase price will be one for $3.00 or two for $5.00.

Lions S.E.E.: Lion Crawford sent the check for $500.00.

Ray Wheeler Foundation: Lion Boies-Lobl motioned to send $100 to the district’s Ray Wheeler Foundation.  Lion Krupa seconded. Passed.

Journey For Sight: Lion Witkowski motioned to have the club be a sponsor for this year’s Lions Journey For Sight at a cost of $150.00.  Lion Lobl seconded. Passed.

Membership dues: Lion Boies-Lobl will email out billing notices to all members.

Nominating committee: President Lavallee stated that the committee should begin its’ work in February 2016.

Slate of officers to LCI:
Currently, the 2015-2016 slate of officers is:
Lion Rusert   President
Lion Mike Steinagel   First VP
Lion Crawford   Second VP
Lion Lobl   Third VP
Lion Lavallee   Recording Secretary
Lion Boies-Lobl   Corresponding Secretary
Lion Witkowski   Treasurer
Lion Ruocco    Lion Tamer/Tail Twister
Lion Chervinsky   Director – 1 year 
Lion Norm Hahn   Director – 1 year
Lion Fahning   Director – 2 year
Lion Paul Bassette  Director – 2 year 

Scholarship committee: President Lavallee requested club members to step up to be part of the committee at Chairman Lion Bassette’s request.

Melvin Jones committee: Lion Boies-Lobl brought up an issue that there are some very significant feelings about the award being purchased by an unknown benefactor.  She believes that the issue be brought up at the general membership meeting in May if we want to continue doing this.  President Lavallee stated that the discussion should be monitored so that it doesn’t get out of hand. Lion Fahning stated that we are controlling whom it goes to.  Lion Witkowski stated that this award could be purchased by any Lion or club without restriction; however, in the USA, the award is treated as a recognition of someone who has supported Lionism. He continued that the unknown donor was strictly using the donation as a tax deduction with our club deciding who receives the award. Lion Witkowski stated that the International rules have watered down the importance of the award but should not affect our decision. He stated that Lion Bassette is simply abiding by the donor’s wishes.  He continued that it was a previous board level decision to have club member nominate candidates and that the committee would make the final selection.  Lion Crawford stated that despite the unknown donor’s stipulations, that the club still retains the right to buy our own.  Lion Lobl stated that we should have no restrictions of the unknown donor; that we should have local control.  Lion Witkowski stated that the money is going for good causes throughout the world and that our district has received more money back from LCIF than it has contributed.  He felt that we should continue our relationship with the unknown donor, but obtain one on our own.  President Lavallee will set up the discussion for the May meeting and the membership will vote on it.  Lion Witkowski advised that the club’s decision will have to be decided by a quorum whether being present or via email vote.

Cookoff: President Lavallee decided our participation in the cookoff at the lawnmower race function was too close to our spaghetti dinner so it was it was tabled.

Special Kids Picnic: President Lavallee reported that Lion Lobl suggested that we contact local businesses to help us put on the event.  Lion Lobl stated that the board could set a limit as to how much money would be collected.  He questioned if there might be a possible effect on our spaghetti dinner income if we took this route.  Lion Ruocco question how the picnic would be advertised and how the donor would be recognized.  Lion Fahning suggested the donors’ name(s) could be put on a tee-shirt given out at the picnic. Lion Boies-Lobl motioned that we limit sponsorships to six at $500.00 apiece to supplement the picnic.  At the suggestion of Lion Crawford, she amended it to limiting the income to $3,000. Lion Fahning seconded.  Motion passed.  Lion Lobl was then given the go-ahead.  

Tally of “acts of kindness”:  Lion Boies-Lobl stated that we haven’t done the environmental portion of the 100 million Acts of Service yet.  Lion Crawford previously suggested that we clean ditches sometime in May and that he will look into it.

Correspondence:  Lion Boies-Lobl reported a “Oldies But Goodies” dinner-dance is being sponsored by the Buffalo Inner City Lions and that she has the tickets for it.  Kensington Lions is seeking ads to sponsor their annual football classic.  We normally buy ads for other Lions Clubs’ functions.  Excalibur is hosting a golf tournament on June 15 at the Niagara County golf course; cost is $75 per person. Camp Badger is offering 50/50 raffle tickets with the drawing in July.  A suggestion was made that we purchase them then resell them at the spaghetti dinner.  Lion Crawford motioned we buy two tickets at a total cost of $100.00.  Lion Witkowski seconded.  Passed.

Next meeting: The topic of environmental issues will be delivered by a speaker at the next meeting. 

Ride For Roswell:  Lion Rusert motioned for a $100.00 donation to the event honoring Lion Wind.  Seconded by Lion Krupa. Passed.

Robert J. Uplinger Award: Lion Witkowski stated that we have no award available to us and that we could contribute $300.00 at the state convention to the New York State & Bermuda Lions Foundation in order to obtain one and have the opportunity to win one of the prizes being offered at the raffle. He motioned the purchase the tickets; Lion Fahning seconded. Passed.

Motion to adjourn regular meeting by Lion Fahning.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.

Board meeting convened at 8:55 pm.

Lion Candidate Kelly McGarvey: Motion by President Lavallee to accept her application; seconded by Lion Fahning. Passed.  Lion Bassette will install in May.

No motion to adjourn was made.

Respectfully submitted,?

Lion Tom Witkowski


Attendance:  Paul Bassette, Dave Chervinsky, LP Donna Lavallee, Tom Rusert, Anne Fahning, Bill Wind, Kelly McGarvey, Dick

Crawford, Paul Krupa, Annette and Henry Lobl, Fred Ruocco, Brooks Rimes, Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Butler
Meeting called to order at 7:05 by LP Donna.
Pledge led by LP Donna
Patriotic Song led by: Tom Butler
Payer given by Paul Bassette
LP Donna introduced Speakers Paul Yaeger and Jessica Castner
Dinner served.
 Paul and Jessica presented Grand Island Photo voice other wise known as a Social Assessment. This gives viewpoints of the community of their health and environment.  Air, water and soil pollution on the Island were discussed. Tonawanda Coke’s violation of the clean air act was discussed and the impact of the settlement on changing ways of collecting data and prevention of further pollutants. The key to any community in getting State action is through their Town boards. The Lions Club spearheaded by Shelia has committed to start a petition campaign.
INDUCTION OF NEW MEMBER; Kelly Mc Garvey was inducted by Paul with Shelia as her sponsor.
SPAGHETTI DINNER SUMMARY: Dick reported that over $4000 was realized. There are still outstanding expenses and revenues to be collected.
DELTA SONIC FUNDRAISER CARDS; Donna passed to members.
SCHOLARSHIPCOMMITTEE Paul Bassette; Meeting will be at LP Donna’s house on 5/14 at 7 pm. Committee members are Paul, Mark. Brooks, Donna, Fred, and Henry.
MEMBERSHIP DUES-Annette.  Notices were e-mailed to members.  Last date for payment before being dropped from the roster is June1
JULY 4TH PARADE Donna will register when form is available.
THE ANONYMOUS MELVIN JONES AWARD DISCUSSION:  Paul investigated the issue of award recipients. The award can only be given to an individual.  Further discussion was tabled for the next meeting. The Board of Directors approved an additional $ 300 be allocated to the existing MJF monies for an additional award to be given to a Lion member this year.


APPROVED SLATE OF OFFICERS 2015-2016 LP Donna presented this slate
PRESIDENT- -TOM RUSERT              
2ND VP DICK CRAWFORD             
3RD VP HENRY LOBL         

Motion made by Tom R. to accept slate as is. 2nd by Anne. Vote unanimous.
Respectfully Submitted
Annette Lobl, Acting secretary


Grand Island Lions Club Meeting, May 27,2015, at Buffalo Launch Club

Attendance: Al, Paul Bassette, Dave, Jerry, LP Donna, Tom Rusert, Anne, Annette, Henry, Fred, Dick, Brooks, Paul Krupa, Shelia, Kelly, Brooks, Tom Butler.
Paul introduced the Peace Poster contest winners, the 1st place winner Isabelle Buckingham and her mother, and the second place winner Ryan Mischke and his parents.
Meeting called to order at 7:05 by LP Donna.
Pledge led by: Fred
Patriotic Song led by: Anne
Payer given by Paul Bassette
Tail Twister Fred quizzed members on Peace Poster contest and Melvin Jones Award trivia
Fred pulled the king of diamonds. Money kitty is $78.
Dinner served.
Paul Bassette explained that this year’s theme was Peace, love and understanding. Isabelle described her poster and was given the $100 check and winner certificate. Ryan described his poster and was given the $50 check and 2nd place certificate. These two posters will be displayed at the Grand Island Town Library for one year.
Requests received from Olmsted center for sponsor of golf hole for $100. And from Freedom guide dogs.
Donna said that the Brandel Murphy Foundation would like us to allocate $ 100 in the 2015-16 budget.
DELTA SONIC GIFT CARDS still available. Donna reiterated that they must be used for value before 6/26.
SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEEE- Paul reported that there were 12 applicants. 4  $ 500 scholarships were awarded. These will be given at graduation.
GARAGE SALE June 20. Henry was talking with Floyd Doring. He suggested that we have the sale on the W. River by the lawnmower race being held on the same day.
Discussion held. All agreed to move the venue to the W. River site. We will also complete the environmental challenge that day by doing pick-up of garbage on the parkway.
Dick will represent the club at the Race meeting on 6/09 at noon at the Town Café.
Anne, Dave, Henry contributed to the discussion.
Paul B. stated the following points: 1. The donor seeks to honor a community member for humanitarian service2 donor pays the award expense.3. The Club gets recognition in the community for this humanitarian service award. 4The Club is contributing to the LCIF. 5.The Club still has the right to award its own MJF. The Club also has a right to nominate the AMJF.
Henry made a motion that the Community member nominated by the Melvin Jones Committee be approved by the Board of Directors. 2nd by Dave. Vote taken. 12 in favor, 3 opposed, 1 abstention. Motion passed.


Dick made a motion to allocate $100 to the Olmsted Center and $100 to Freedom Guide Dogs. 2nd by Annette. Passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted.
Annette Lobl , Acting secretary

Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2015 President-Elect Lion Tom Rusert’s home
Attendance: Donna Lavallee, Dick Crawford, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Paul Krupa, Henry Lobl and Annette Boies-Lobl, Anne Fahning, Brooks Rimes

Call to Order:  Lion President Lavallee called the meeting to order at 7:12 pm.

Bank signature form was passed around for approved signatures on the club’s accounts.  Photocopies of approved identification were made.

President Lavallee distributed the International’s bicentennial commemoration pin to all present that she purchased.

Lion Rusert will install those officers not present at the installation dinner at our first regular meeting.

Lion Rusert stated that he has two cell phones to be given to Sheriff Joe Chudoba who spoke at our February 25th meeting.  He suggested we collect them as part of our club’s service projects.

Special Kids Picnic Chair Boies-Lobl reported we will receive 100 cookies and coffee donations from Dunkin’ Donuts and Tim Horton’s.  The contribution needs to be supplemented, as there is not enough for attendees.  Four dozen donuts have been donated.  100 volunteers are already signed up.  547 have signed up to attend the event and not every one has responded yet.  She has contacted Erie County Boces, Autistic Services, People Inc., and Baker Victory.  The certificate of insurance will include the Town of Grand Island because we are using their tables, cones, and benches.  The Marine Division will be on the water.  She will contact Catherine at the Buffalo Launch Club to get the new people working there on board with the event.  Sabretooth, Shriners, and magicians will attend.  Parish Players may be singing.  Lion Fahning reported she is doing well with getting boats but she could use another boat that can hold a large amount of people.  She asked if anyone knows a Joe Johnson who volunteered his boat last year but left early without her getting his phone number.  She has Bob DeGlopper and Kenny to ask around the club for volunteers.  Lion Crawford stated that setup would be the day before (Tuesday) at 2:30 pm.  Lion Lavallee will use her tent for the popcorn area.  Lion Pat Patterson inquired about doing the music and emceeing with an OK by Lion Boies-Lobl. 

Committee assignments: Lion Rusert tabled assignments until the next board meeting.

Lion Lobl reported he has one definite and two probable Lion candidates.  He also asked Lion Crawford on the status of Sabres sponsorship for the Special Kids Picnic.  Treasurer Crawford and Treasurer-Elect Witkowski will meet June
29, 2015 to discuss the transfer of information regarding the funds.  The sponsorship will pay for tee shirts for the Special Kids Picnic volunteers.  Lion Boies-Lobl suggested an ad thanking all picnic volunteers.  Lion Crawford advised that since we are not a 501(c)(3) organization, that we may not get that donation since the Sabres Foundation only gives to such organizations.  It will the Sabres call.  Lion Lobl suggested that we could work through the Kaegebein 501(c)(3).  Lion Witkowski warned that Kaegebein could lose their status.  Lion Crawford will meet with Lion Witkowski on June 29 to discuss this using information that was used to seek getting a grant from LCIF for the Miracle League.  He stated that we could approach the Wellness Institute and ask them if they could facilitate our request to the Sabres Foundation.  Question was raised whether we could go through the International.  Lions Crawford and Witkowski responded with a no after previous contact with the International.  They also advised of the process that is complicated and expensive and may be out of the realm of the club. 

Dues payments: Lion Ruocco asked if there are concerns about those who have paid dues. 

Garage Sale: President Lavallee reported we garnered $262.70.  She stated we could have done better if we were closer to the lawnmower races and that it started raining a bit.  Lion Fahning stated that next time we do it to have two shifts.  It will be revisited the next time we plan to do it.

Couples Picnic: Lion Lavalle reported that the Fahnings would host it from 11 am until 3 pm on their boat on Saturday, July 18.  Lion Boies-Lobl will contact Mike Carr to see if we can have a simple lunch to keep cost down.  Lion Rimes bought liquor and submitted the expense to the club last year.  Lion Witkowski suggested bringing a dish to pass.  Lion Fahning suggested we do a head count to determine the attendance and that everyone can bring hors d’oeuvres or desserts. 

White Cane Day:  Lion Rusert will contact Lion Norm Hahn to remind him of his commitment to head this fundraiser.  Lion Lobl stated that he would support him as necessary.

Eyeglass collections: Lion Witkowski brought eyeglasses for the board to sort.

Membership: Lion Crawford stated the following members have not paid their dues: Lions Al Ackerman, Honglin Fan, Eduardo Payan, Kevin Slachiak, Mike Steinagel, Mary Jo and Gary Tucker.  The late Lion Tom DeCarlo has been dropped.  Lion Ross Kaiser will not renew his membership.  Lion Witkowski will look into the status of Lion Fan, Lion Crawford with Lion Slachiak, and Lion Boies-Lobl with the Lions Tucker.

Meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski


Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting July 30, 2015
Attendance: (10 in attendance) Tom Rusert , Brooks Rimes, Tom Witkowski, Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl, Mike Steinagel, Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Fred Ruocco, Anne Fahning.

Lion President Tom Rusert called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM.
LP Tom shared information on the 35th Annual Jamboree to benefit the Womens and Children’s Hospital in St. Catherines.

White Cane:  White cane will be on 8/14 and 8/15.  Lion Norm is chair of this event. We will be stationed at Tops and First Niagara.  There is a sign up sheet is circulating. There are still several slots that need to be filled. Please contact Lion Norm if you are able to help.

Special Kids Picnic:  Lion Annette:   We hosted 880 kids and staff, 91 volunteers,   18 from our club.  All the bills are not submitted yet.  There were about 40 bus drivers. Things went well and Lion Annette will get the Thank you letters out to those who offered services.  $4304 estimate of expenses, meat bill is unknown.  Lion Henry secured 1 sponsor for $500.  There will be ad in the dispatch and Pennysaver thanking our supporters.  New this year, Step in Time Dancers and Baton Twirlers that the children really liked.  We had 3 Magicians and Pringles the Clown came back.
Lion Anne said the boats rides ran slow, time should be 7 minutes out and 7 minutes in, water conditions were a little rough.  A promo photos was put in the district and Lion Dave has submitted some photos for the Island Papers.  We were overstaffed on the dock and those extra were in the way.  The food ran very smoothly and people did not have to wait.  The kids loved the petting zoo.

Corresponding Secretary;  Mail:  Lion Annette;  request for a donation for Dr. Andy’s day for Kids.  LCIF waiving the initiation fee is waived for Veterans.  OTB has offered a Lions  Day at Batavia Downs, night at the races, we have never participated and will not again this year.  Lion Kevin Slacick and Lion Ed Payan will be dropped from the club as they have not paid their dues. 

Discussion on upcoming meetings.  Discussion on whether or not the club should only meet once a month.  Currently there are 2 meetings in Sept, Oct, April and May and one in Nov. Dec., Jan., Feb and March.  We will make this change of only 1 meeting in Jan, Feb and March.   Questions regarding if we need to bring this up to the club, suggested that the board can make the decision.  In the calendar DG meeting is Nov 13th.  Lion Dick and Lion Mary Jo will square up the dates and contact the BLC and Byblos
Meeting dates are as follows:
September 9 general meeting
September  23
October 14 Merritton
October  28
Nov 11
Dec 9 - Christmas Party
Jan. 27
Feb 24
March 23
April 13
Monday April 18 for Spaghetti Dinner
April 27 At Merritton
May 11 Peace Poster
May 25
June 8, Installation Dinner

 Bon Ton:  Lion Annette suggested that we ask Lion Kelly to chair the BonTon.  She will meet with her to discuss the details.

Eyeglass Collection Coordinator:   A suggestion was made to ask Lion Bob Goulding

District 20N Cabinet Meeting:  Will be 8/08 in Gasport, Veterans Park, 7992 Telegraph Rd.  registration starting at 9 - 10 AM.  A check needs to be sent to the district.  LP Tom R and Lion Tom W will be going.
Lions Club Family picnic on August 9th in Canada
Dates for 2015-2016 calendar year need to be submitted to Lion Dave ASAP.

Cub Lion member award; suggested by Lion Mike to a first year member. Lion Mike made a motion to begin the Cub Member and nominate Lion Kelly.   All in favor, motion passed.
Treasurers’ report, Bob Christman’s membership stands as paying twice. 
Members , Lion Mike will contact Lion Ed to see if he will retain his membership.
Other Business:
District 20N dues our club owes $152 based on 38 members. 
Lion Annette requested that we get a ream of bond paper, for thanks you letters, scholarship etc.

Motion to adjourn by Lion Tom seconded by Lion Mike :  Meeting adjourned: 8:14 PM

Submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting
August 26, 2015
Attendance: (11 in attendance)  Norm Hahn, Mike Steinagel, Dick Crawford, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Anne Fahning,  Fred Ruocco, Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl, Paul Krupa, Donna Lavallee,

Lion President Tom R. called the meeting to order at 7:14PM.

Items for discussion:
· White cane sale:  Lion Norm,  $2393.90, and a bag of random foreign currency! Was collected.  Way to go Lion Norm and team!!. Coverage was good, some did double shifts.  Lion Norm may consider chairing again next year.
· Committee chairs, only opening is someone to handle programs.
· Lion Bob G will be chairing eye glass collection.
· Discussion, regarding a request for a student in Buffalo who is need of eyeglasses. Comments from the board included that this the person is not in our jurisdiction.  Her sponsor indicated that she reached out to 2 Buffalo Lions Club without a response.  Lion Annette suggested that this individual is most likely eligible for Medicaid or Family Health Plus.  Lion Tom will relay the possible steps that she can implement to get the medical coverage she deserves.  If these routes do not work out, we will help her in any way that we can.
· 9/23/15.  Shelia suggested a hypnotist for our program.  Lion Anne will call Shelia.  Shelia says that he is not available.
· There is an Advisory Council Meeting tomorrow at the Paddock Golf Club of the at 6 PM.  This is open to all club members. Theme will be eye screening and trying to organize this on a regional basis.

Comments from members

Lion Dick as the books are handed over to Lion Tom W the club has a general balance of  $2977.05 and the Welfare Fund is $ 5815.16 including proceeds from the White cane.  The bill from the BLC food is not been paid as of yet.

Lin Tom W.  Cabinet meeting reports:  Our club is eligible for the Brandel Murphy Grant this year for the SKP for $2000. We will apply this year.  Centennial celebration ideas, perhaps a large blow up Lion, Lion Tom is brainstorming and will report to the club as ideas arise. Comments about the eye screening, perhaps a donation should be made to the Lion of Niagara if we plan on using their camera in the future.  Lions Kids Sight USA is the new program with the photoscreening.   There will be a new Ophthalmologist that will be reviewing all of the screening for the photoscreenings.  Photo contest will be held again, open to all Lions, theme is nature.
Lion Mike:  Membership, the membership fee at the national level is waived for any veterans.  Lion Mike also asked that our club waive the club’s membership fee the first year.  If we have a veteran is interested in joining we can revisit this idea.

Lion Tom;  banner for the Miracle League, last year it was approved, Lion Dick will contact Dan Drexilius regarding the specifications on the banner.

Lion Annette:  Macular Degeneration; this is program topic that affects so many individuals.  Lion Tom W. will look into getting someone from the Ross Institute and we can extend an invitation to our local service clubs.

Lion Annette; correspondence, the club received a request from the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged.  Lion Annette made the motion that we donate $100 to the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged, seconded by Lion Mike, all in favor, motion passed.

Lion Fred; reiterated that in Jan, Feb.,  March we will only meet once a month, the 4th Wednesday.  We will bring this up to the entire club at the first general meeting.

Lion Dick:  The loan closet needs to be cleaned again.  We should find a date to do this.  Lion Tom has contacted the Tuscarora Indian Reservation to pass on extra items.  He has yet to hear back.

Motion to adjourn by Lion Fred, seconded by Lion Henry:  Meeting adjourned: 7: 54 PM

Submitted By Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting
September 30,2015, 7-8 pm, LP Tom Rusert’s Home.

Attending: Henry, Annette , Dave, Dick, Tom W., Fred, LP Tom R. Brooks,  Paul B.
Excused: Anne, Donna, Paul K.
Absent: Norm, Mike

1Correspondence: LP Tom received  a letter acknowledging the donation we made to Reboot CampAnnette received two requests Freedom Guide Dogs and Eyes on America dinner
2. Treasurer Report  Tom W. passed information out, explained highlights. Report accepted.  Tom brought up the issue of the BLC charging for 3 dinners at 9/23 meeting which had been reserved but member did not show. Discussion held. Decision made for the phone tree callers to advise members that the Club maybe charged for reserved dinners not used.
3. The following donations were approved by the BoardHopeful Ways- $100. Motion by Annette, 2nd by Dick. All in favor.Braille Group of buffalo- $100. Motion by Tom W.,2nd by Henry. All in favor.Freedom Guide Dogs $100, Motion by Dave 2nd by Dick, All in Favor.Eyes on America fundraiser $125 for 2 tickets. Henry made a motion for Club to purchase them and auction them at joint meeting on 10/14 with Merritton. 2nd by Dave  Discussion held All in favor.
4. Paul spoke to the Board on the following. 
Peace posters. He plans to pick up the Peace Posters the week of 10/19 with the committee to judge the next week. He asked that the Peace Poster awards be done at the 5/25 meeting. Membership 
Paul suggested that we speak to the people who were interested in starting a GI Kiwanis Club. Dick, Paul and Henry agreed to approach specific people on this. Motion to
Adjourn made by Fred. 2nd by Brooks.

Submitted by Annette Lobl


Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors
October 28, 2015

Meeting called to order at 8:56 by Tom Rusert
11 in attendance:  Lion Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Mike Steinagel, Dave Chervinsky, Jerry Dubiel, Diane Dubiel, Bob Goulding, Donna Lavallee
Request from PDG Shaeffer D20N for the Christmas Party for Kids.  They looking for donations for 60 kids.  There are 3 orphanages that benefit from this.   The district has $1000 budgeted for the Christmas party, coming from the district dues.  Lion Henry made a motion that we clarify where the district money is coming from and that we table this until the DG visit, next meeting.
“Keep the heart beating” looking for a donation to provide a automated AED defibrillator for the high school.  This discussion will be tabled until we can find out more information.
Lion Tom W received an email from LCIF legal department.  to file a 990 form to maintain the clubs tax exempt status.  This email was sent out to the members.  IRS has our club listed as an 501c3 organization (minutes corrected by email- Lion Tom said we are a 503c4).  The 990 form needs to be filed.  This form has not been filed and the club is in remiss since 2010.  This form is required to be filed for 3 consecutive years.  If the organization does not we may be liable for 30-40% corporate taxes on all raised monies.  Lion Tom has been in contact with DG Nancy Luckman an PDG Jim Luckman.
Jim Luckman of Gasport Lions gave the following recommendations, set up an appointment with the IRS, and fill out the appropriate forms to reinstate our tax except status with the minimum fee being $400. 
Lion Tom will call and set up an appointment but would like another Lion to go with him. 
Lion Mike reports that he spoke to a CPA who specializes on advising organizations that are 501c3   , Christopher Haick.  Lion Mike stated that LICF is 501c3 organization and that as a branch, we fall under their umbrella.  It is Lion Mikes understanding that for organizations that make more than 50k, a 990 form is required, otherwise we need to file the 990N for charitable organizations that have budgets less than 50k.  Lion Tom attempted to file a 990N form and it was rejected.  Lion Mike has had a phone conversation with CPA Christopher Haick.  He assists charitable organizations by providing an external audit.  LP Tom requests that Mr. Haick meet with Lion Tom R, Lion Mike and himself gratis with recommendations.  This should be done ASAP.  Lion Mike made a motion that we meet with a professional to discuss the situation, seconded by Lion Jerry.  All in favor.  Lion Henry made a motion that some time after we meet with the professional that we meet with the IRS before 11/15.  Seconded by Lion Fred.  All in favor.
Lion Mike made a motion that the members that meet with the CPA have the discretion to hire him at a maximum of $500.  Not seconded.  Discussion.  Lion Annette proposed that the committee meet with Mr. Haick with the potential that he will provide us with an external audit for a fee.
The BOD will await the result of the aforementioned meeting and recommendations.
Zone meeting on Thursday November 12 Scooters Place 4869 Beach Ridge Rd, Pendelton 6:30 PM.
Meeting was adjourned 9:42 PM
Submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Board of Directors Meeting
November 11, 2015

Attendance:  LP Tom R, Tom Witkowski, Henry Lobl, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky, Fred Ruocco, Bob Goulding, Anne Fahning, Brooks Rimes, Annette Lobl, Mike Steinagel, Paul Krupa, Donna Lavallee

Board meeting was called to order at 8:58 PM

Christmas for Kids Lions Program from Lackawana Lions.  There is $1000 in district funding that goes towards that event.  Lion Paul K motioned that we not contribute, seconded by Lion Henry all in favor.

“Keep GI Beating”, GISD is looking for donations for additional AED’s.  Lion Tom is continuing to look into this. Tabled for now.

Lion Tom W.
Results of meeting with Chris Haick.  Lion Tom read email, summarizing the meeting; 
The filing with an annual duty that filing the 990 form need to be filed by the 15 th day of the fifth month with the IRS.  Lion Tom suggested that we amend the by laws to reflect this.
Compiling of our information in a compilation.  He stressed the need for second signers and counters to ensure safe guards for our funds.

Lion Tom discussed to possible amendments to the bylaws in the event of dissolution of the club.
Lion Tom has gotten a copy of our incorporation papers.  Lion Tom has paid for this copy at the cost of $76.  He requested a motion to be reimbursed.  Motion by Lion Dave, seconded by Lion Fred, all in favor.

In order to file all of this information to the IRS, the cost is $400.  This will reinstate our status. Lion Dick and Lion Tom have compiled the information for the past 5 years.  Lion Annette made a motion to pay for the $400 reinstatement of the club as a non-profit, seconded Lion Henry, discussion.  We need to monitor the balances very carefully in the spring do that necessary monies can be transferred to the general fund when and if it is necessary.  If the money comes from the public it goes in the welfare fund, monies raised from Bon-Ton can allocated to the general fund.  The first motion has passed.  The motion to allocate the monies raised by Bon-Ton books to members be sent to the general fund.  Seconded by Lion Henry, All in favor.

Motion by Lion Tom W. to pay up to $100 to send documentation to the IRS to ensure that these papers are sent on time.  Seconded by Lion Mike, All in favor.

Lion Tom has been working very closely with DG Luckman and PDG Luckman to help other clubs in the same predicament. 

Lion Mike stressed that our club monies need to be available to the public, should someone request to see the discernment and dispensing of funds.  Transparency means that we would not deny information. 

Lion Tom summarized the information that with be provided to the IRS, General dispersments and  income.

Lion Mike reported on an email motion that was seconded.  New motion that the clubs receipts and bank receipts are balanced, and these are the duties of the treasurer.  All in favor.

Lion Henry made a motion the treasurer provide a simplified budget that will be presented to the club at the end of the year.  Seconded by Lion Mike.  All in favor.

Current treasurers balance are as follows.

Welfare account balance :  $5630.67
General account balance:  $2334.98 with an outstanding check

Lion Tom:  countersigneers are needed on the Peace Poster
A motion to purchase 2 tickets from the general fund for the District Holiday Party $100 to the NF Reading service and $100 to sponsor.  Seconded and ammended by Lion Anne to just donate our customary $100.  All in favor.

Motion to adjourn Paul K, seconded Lion Tom
Meeting adjourned 9:38 PM

Submitted Lion Donna Lavallee




